I always used controlled mounts (horses mostly) so i didnt know so much about this. What do you think about? Considering that the end level for this campaign is 10/11.

Ps Im thinking also that shapeshooter at lv 4 mean hit with just +2, dealing a similar damage the snake does (if enemies are not immune/resistent to poison) with a +6 to hit (1d6 +4 + 2 (proficiency bonus) + 10 (poison) is even bettetr than 1d6 + 1d4 (favored foe) +3 (dex) + 10 (SS), even adding hunter's mark the things seem dont change too much, probably i can use the ranger for some ensnaring strike instead than deal damage, but except against things immune or resistent to poison (that are ayway a lot) seem it can get mounted combat first at lv 4 and than eventually SS at lv 8.but at this point im thinking if its not worth go for a more thematic thrown weapon fighting style, Str based with javelins and shield, and so dont get SS at all for pick something else at lv 8, even +2 str.

A giant poisonus snake can make a good job with 10 ft reach and poison boost to damage, unluckly being a small race he cant use reach weapons for what i understand, but a bow with shapeshooter is fine as well and it still allow the snake to make the help action (from lv 7) and get lots of OA (and till lv 7 thats the one thing it will do except carry the ranger and at low levels attack when the targets are not resistent to poison, as it should be better than the ranger attack), while the ranger shoot with his bow (or croossbow if at lv 8 it go for crossbow expert too) from 10 ft, its not a safe distance but anyway behind the tank and the frontline.

Uhm.than for play with advantage is better a no flying creature.