
Gears of war 3 raams shadow
Gears of war 3 raams shadow

Make no mistake - this is still the 300 of videogames. Harsher, embittered, and more daunting and better for it. Tonally its markedly different from the bluster and bravado of Gears 3's main campaign. You'll fight through schools, banks, parking lots - grounding the turf war in identifiable real-world settings that were underplayed in the earlier games.

gears of war 3 raams shadow

You can clearly mark how Epic have re-approached its own history with the hindsight brought on by two fantastic sequels - retrofitting it may be, but the tale of Zeta's last ditch rescue mission in a city under siege continues to emphasise the effect of the war on those not at the frontline. It dials back the escalating boss battles to one or two key moments, increases the threat level of standard Locust by way of holding multiple defensive positions while surrounded by grub-holes, and keeps the story simple: gathering the last civilians left in a city-wide evacuation. The campaign, the heart and soul of the download, does a lot of things right, and harks back to both the gameplay and themes of the original Gears of War. Whether you've passed on Gears 3's Season Pass or not, this DLC pack - consisting of a three-hour story campaign, new Achievements and a smattering of extras is worth the cost (1200MP) and download space (2 gig).

Gears of war 3 raams shadow